Get Started

Whether you get inspiration from our gallery or bring in your own ideas, we are excited to help make your ideas a reality.

Most clients will set aside about 8 to 15 percent of the home's value for a kitchen remodel, but we work with all budgets.
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Once youve set a budget, one of our designers will meet with you to get an idea of what would work best for your space, style, and budget.
Now comes the fun part, you will get to pick out stains or paint colors, cabinet styles, hardware, faucets, backsplash, lighting and more. Be sure to share all of your ideas with our designers. We'd also like to remind you that functionality is just an important as style when it comes to cabinets.

The old cabinets need to be removed before we can begin installation on the new ones. This service can be provided by us but may require we hire additional help, like plumbers, electricians, and mechanics to consult regarding the location of pipes, wiring, or other important pieces of your home. Please let your designer know if this needs to be set up head of time.
Its finally time! Installation of the cabinets can be done now that they have been built. Our licensed and insured installers provide quality delivery and timely installation of your new cabinets.